I don’t want to die but I’m not keen on living either.

being someone who just got out of depression, i totally get it… but what I never got was the desire to take ones life, it has nothing to do with being Catholic like most people think, but I think I just have so much respect for life and a little about how I’m a medical student and a psychology graduate, you know how I kind of have an idea how great the mind and the body is, who it on its own is a form of miracle, and though I might feel sad, or before DEPRESSED, I thought about it, yes, but I never stayed there you know, thinking I’d kill myself, it was always just in passing… the answer was always a big NO even before i thought of asking it…

Nonetheless, depression is a very real thing, not everyone is like me… so if you think anyone is undergoing depression, you must do what you can to help 🙂

Ramblings of a girl

I remember being young and naive and not having an understanding of why anyone would ever want to take their own life. I remember when my father took his own life I would lie in bed at night wondering how someone could reach the point of throwing the towel in with life. I would wonder what the very last thing he thought about was. Did he think about me and my siblings and my mother? This kept me awake at night for months on end. It wasn’t until I reached a certain point with depression that I understood truly what it feels like. Too often people say that suicide is selfish but if you ask anyone who survived a suicide attempt, myself included, regardless of the wonderful things I had in my life. Regardless of the loving family that surrounded me and the supportive friends I had, none of that…

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